
The processes of genome expression, regulation, and repair require direct interactions between proteins and DNA at specific sites located at and near single-stranded–double-stranded DNA (ssDNA–dsDNA) junctions. Here, we review the application of recently developed spectroscopic methods and analyses that combine linear absorbance and circular dichroism spectroscopy with nonlinear 2D fluorescence spectroscopy to study the local conformations and conformational disorder of the sugar-phosphate backbones of ssDNA–dsDNA fork constructs that have been internally labeled with exciton-coupled cyanine (iCy3) dimer probes. With the application of these methods, the (iCy3) dimer can serve as a reliable probe of the mean local conformations and conformational distributions of the sugar-phosphate backbones of dsDNA at various critical positions. The results of our studies suggest a possible structural framework for understanding the roles of DNA breathing in driving the processes of protein–DNA complex assembly and function.


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